Mini muffin with banana and dark chocolate

Mini muffin with banana and dark chocolate

This mini muffin is baked without any white sugar and butter. I have replaced the white sugar with bananas. Therefore, I think we can call these muffins healthy muffins. Wouldn't you do that when you hear ingredients such as bananas, rolled oats, dark chocolate? 🙂 If you need a small little snack in the afternoon, [...]

Seven different kinds of cookies (Sju sorters kakor)

Seven different kinds of cookies (Sju sorters kakor)

A traditional "fika" in Sweden includes many different options when it comes to pastry treats and cookies. The traditional way to serve coffee with sweets was to serve many different options so everyone could find at least something they liked. The magic number was seven, seven different cookies. That is also the title of one [...]

Raspberry slices (Hindbærsnitter)

Raspberry slices (Hindbærsnitter)

This is one of my favourite cookies from Denmark. It's very simple but sooo delicious. It’s basically two pieces of sweet short crust pastry, baked, then layers with raspberry. Then it's topped with a nice layer of white icing and finished with some freeze dried raspberries. In every city, and almost in every area in every [...]