Christmas roasted nuts with cinnamon, ginger and salt

Christmas roasted nuts with cinnamon, ginger and salt

Something I though I would never be able to live without was salty nuts. I just love it! That was until I got pregnant. I couldn't think about anything worse to eat than salty nuts. During my pregnancy, salty snacks was forbidden in our house. Now everything is back to normal and I could eat [...]

Meatball toast with beetroot salad (Rödbetssallad)

Meatball toast with beetroot salad (Rödbetssallad)

The beetroot salad (Rödbetssallad) has a long tradition on the Scandinavian Christmas table. We have a lot of different small dishes on our Christmas table and the beetroot salad is just one of them. This salad is delicious to serve to meatballs and that is exactly what I did with this toast - a meatball [...]

Swedish curd cake with saffron (Ostkaka)

Swedish curd cake with saffron (Ostkaka)

I am from the Swedish province "Småland" which is famous for many different things (IKEA was actually founded in Småland, Sweden). When it come to food, the Swedish "cheesecake" or curd cake is from Småland. A Swedish curd cake, is not to mix up with an American cheese cake. Our traditional curd cake has a [...]

Jansson’s temptation (Janssons frestelse)

Jansson’s temptation (Janssons frestelse)

I continue with some typical Scandinavian Christmas dishes now just days before Christmas Eve. Jansson's temptation is the translation of the Swedish name of the dish - "Janssons frestelse". This is a must on our traditional Christmas dinner table. This is a creamy potato and fish gratin. The combination might sound a bit strange, but [...]