Ginger shot

I have morning routines. But they can change now and then. I would never stop eating my yoghurt and granola. But at the moment, and in addition to that, I like to start my day with a ginger shot. I think this taste healthy, if you can taste that? And it taste good. It is strong so make sure you make it a shot.

My ginger shot includes ginger and lemon. This can be the base and you can from there add any additional taste to your morning shot. I give you some examples below.

It doesn’t get more healthy than this or?

Ingredients (25 shots):

  • 50 oz water
  • 2 organic lemons
  • 8-9 oz fresh ginger

Peel ginger and cut it in slices. Wash lemon and cut in slices. Add the ginger and lemon slices into the saucepan with water, and let it simmer for 45 minutes. Then let it stay in the pan to cool down. Drain and fill your ginger shot into an empty bottle. Keep in refrigerator (up to a couple of weeks).

What flavors that can be added:

  • 4 tbs honey (add that after the ginger shot has cool down) – or
  • 2-3 oz turmeric (slice and add together with lemon and ginger) – or
  • 1 pot fresh mint leaves (add together with lemon and ginger) – or
  • 1-2 chili fruits (taste before adding together with lemon and ginger)

Smaklig måltid!


3 thoughts on “Ginger shot

  1. Super! I may try this, because it’s a darn sight easier than going nuclear with the concoction I usually make. Yours appears to be the juice that comes after the boil. I’m assuming you throw the lemon peel and ginger husk away. I typically blend everything you mentioned throwing in (including honey and cinnamon) in a machine.

    The liquid usually gets absorbed into the resulting paste. Still tasty I suppose, or rather hope, since I eat two gloppy tablespoons every morning. Next time, I’ll try your simple eating method. Thanks for sharing!!!


    1. Hi Jen! Great that you start your day with some great nutritions from a morning shot. You are totally right, my recipe is more a juice where all the vitamins are coming from the lemon and ginger. Try it and see which one you prefer! 🙂 Have a great day!

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